Entries by admin

3D printed smart bandage that stimulates and directs blood vessel growth

Recently, researchers at University of Illinois have developed a bandage that can promote angiogenesis and direct blood vessel growth on the surface of a wound. The bandage, called a “smart bandage”, contains living cells that deliver growth factors to damaged tissues in a defined pattern. The bandage is 1 centimeter across and is built of […]

Japanese Researchers 3D Print Spine Implants

Researchers from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine announced they have implanted 3D printed titanium bone replacements into the spines of four patients. The patients were previously diagnosed with herniated cervical disks. They reported that after the operations walking and other movements became easier for them. The implants also helped ease the numbness some […]

Breast Implants Are Being Revolutionized Thanks to a Special 3D Printer

Print-your-own breast implants could be one of the new products in the $8.4 billion market of 3D printer products projected for 2025. TeVido BioDevices is working to commercialize technology that would allow doctors to use a patient’s own fat to print a customized breast implant. The initial focus is reconstructive surgery after breast cancer, but […]

First Lab-Grown Kidney Successfully Implanted in a Rat

Scientists have implanted a laboratory-grown kidney into a rat for the first time, a medical milestone that they hope will soon lead to similar solutions for human beings needing full organ transplants. “It’s the first one ever that’s been implanted into an animal,” said Harald Ott, MD and PhD at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center […]

Next to Use 3D Printing: Your Surgeon

Surgeons at a hospital in Japan recently faced a dilemma before transplanting a parent’s liver into a child: How exactly to trim the organ to fit the space in the child’s smaller cavity while preserving its functions. So they took a knife to a three-dimensional replica of the donor’s liver built by a machine that […]

3D Printed Skin Will Soon Be Reality Thanks To SkinPrint

The need for human skin is urgent and ever growing. Patients with burn wounds and skin diseases suffer intensely, due to the removal of skin from a donor site. Many patients cannot be accurately treated with current therapies, since the amount and quality of human skin produced by current techniques is insufficient. Therefore, improvement of […]

3D-Printing Mechanical Hands

This is really cool, a MakerBot Industries-supported 3D printable prosthetic hand project. When Richard Van As, a master carpenter in Johannesburg, South Africa, decided to make a set of mechanical fingers, it wasn’t just for fun

Blind, expectant parents cry with joy ‘seeing’ baby in utero

Because of advances in 3-D printing technology, visually impaired expectant parents are for the first time able to “see” their babies in utero via printable plastic models of their sonogram photos. Blind parents-to-be now have a way to experience the joys of a sonogram (the image produced from an ultrasound scan), thanks to 3-D printing […]