3D Printing Enables Medical Models with Blood, Guts & All

3D printing has been aiding doctors prepare for numerous surgeries by providing highly-detailed, patient specific models to better inform surgeons before entering the operating room. As accurate as these models have been, some even including color-coded regions to illustrate various organs or problem areas, they have yet to fully replicate the texture of real human tissues. Japanese 3D printing firm Fasotec, previously covered on 3DPI and subsequently purchased by Stratasys, is changing that by creating highly realistic surgical models with 3D printing.

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Scientists Build MicroSLA 3D Printing System for Mass Production of Nerve Repair Guides

While AM in mechanical mass production (especially in the aerospace sector) is seeking larger build sizes, the opposite is true for the medical field. Here it will be the extremely small and complex parts that will drive the adoption of 3D printing technologies in mass production. One example is the Nerve Guidance Conduits (CNG) developed by a team of scientists through the use of a MicroStereolithography (MicroSLA or µSL) system.

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