Trachea 3D Printed with Ordinary MakerBot PLA

We may await the day that 3D bioprinting is ubiquitous practice, but MakerBot and The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research have proven that we may not have to wait that long.  Using ordinary MakerBot PLA filament, the Feinstein researchers were able to create custom scaffolding on which living cells were cultured for a tracheal implant.  The results of the research were presented at the the 51st Annual Meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons in San Diego by Feinstein investigator Todd Goldstein.

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Meniscus Regenerated with 3D-Printed Implant

Columbia University Medical Center researchers have devised a way to replace the knee’s protective lining, called the meniscus, using a personalized 3D-printed implant, or scaffold, infused with human growth factors that prompt the body to regenerate the lining on its own. The therapy, successfully tested in sheep, could provide the first effective and long-lasting repair of damaged menisci, which occur in millions of Americans each year and can lead to debilitating arthritis. The paper was published today in the online edition of Science Translational Medicine.

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New Polymers Set to Revolutionize 3D Printed Implants

Over recent months we have seen a real change in the evolution of 3D printing technology. New 3D printing systems are being introduced every week, which are now relatively affordable, more energy efficient, compact and thankfully quieter. But it is with the range of new polymers now available that offers the most exciting aspect of 3D printing technology development. We are now leaving behind the traditional ABS and PLA which we have become so used to, fond of and somewhat bored with. However, with innovative new materials this is all about to change.

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